Thursday, November 03, 2005

Photos, Technology and the Like

So I have always said that I am not a huge fan of technology. But I don´t think that I can say this anymore. Other than Jake, I am deeply in love with my digital camera and my iPod. And I have a blog. This is all deeply confusing to me.

I am concerned though in as much as my iPod is frozen (I implore you to feel my pain on this), and I didn´t bring the computer cord, only the power cord. Damn. The other think that has just let me down, however is that I just attempted to post a bunch of pics (well 5), but only one posted. Mostly because I wasn´t patient enough for the computer, and the fact that it was in Spanish so I wasn´t absolutely sure. But now I really do need to depart. Off to Tena tommorrow-- a completely unpaved road which is pretty knarly. I rode in a pickup on it yesterday, and think I have quite a ride ahead of me (without iPod!). It is about 130 Km. A couple people estimated that they think I can do it in a day, but I think it sounds like a lot. Depends how it goes. I will say that they call the rainforest the rainforest for a rains a lot! Until next time my friends. Until next time.


Blogger Meghan said...

Ahh -- Yes. What a dedicated reader! But the tricky part is that I was coming from Puyo, which is where my bike was. I had intended in the beginning of my entry about the jungle trips to talk about the second one I went on (southeast of Puyo), but I didn´t quite get there in my explanation!

2:42 PM


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