Random Scenes of the Day
Disclaimer: I would have a scene of the day every day, but inasmuch as I donĀ“t email/computer every day, this is not going to happen. Darn. I like the concept though, so I am going to start doing what I can. Here are a couple that pop to mind.
Friday night. A car is pulled up to the river with all of the doors open allowing the salsa music to escape. Five couples are dancing on the riverwalk as the sun goes down.
Tuesday (?) evening. I am a bit deeper into the forest, and we are cooking dinner in a little clearing above a small lagoon. There is a family that lives in the area (18 children! this is not a typo). 3 of them walk by: one carrying a gun about to go hunting for the week, one with a fishing pole (stick with string attached), and one with a net of crabs. They disapppear up a path to the north of us.
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