Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Well, today it POURED all day, which put a damper on my kayaking lesson. We are entering high season here so the rivers are pretty high and fast right now. I had my first day yesterday on a Class II or III river if that means anything to you, and well. It was an experience. I will make an entry of that. Lets just say I am not YET ready to enter my first competition...maybe after another day. Though I can´t do a roll, at least I have perfected existing the boat when I flip. This was more than a bit scary when I was stuck in it the first time, I can assure you.

Anyway, the guy that was teaching me to kayak is taking me and this belgian guy to a Shamen that lives somewhat near his family´s farm in the jungle (where we are hopefully going tomorrow). There is a ceremony and I am not supposed to eat for the 6 hours previous. I´ll let you know how it goes!


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