Friday, December 02, 2005

Two in a row!

I have had running water for two days in a row now....that means two showers! In the morning! Whoohoo!! When I first got to San Antonio (my village) we generally had water in the afternoons/evenings, but never in the mornings. This was problematic if only because I had been running in the mornings. But then the schedule changed, and wasn't really a schedule any longer. Now if only it was hot....

I had been bathing in the lake, which is undeniably gorgeous. My view is of the entire lake, more or less, looking directly at Volcano Atitilan, Volcano Toliman and San Pedro. So it hasn't been too bad for a bathtub. They are still saying that the lake hasn't been tested adequately enough to ensure its safety after the storm, but people generally tend to think it is. It also is the windy/dry season, which churns the water, apparently, which is good. I figure it is not like I am drinking the stuff, ya know?


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