Sunday, November 13, 2005

My Vision

Well, apparently the reason that we were not supposed to eat before going to the Shamen was because we were going to get sick --as part of the cleaning process, if yoiu will. Aohwaska (that is spelled phonectically, it is a Quecha word that I have no idea how to spell) is used to give the Shamen a vision, usually what medicane to prescribe when someone is sick.Though it is also used to help him see the future or bring forth a memory from the past. It is made from a bunch of herbs, and resembles something of a really thick, earthy, bad-tasting tea. In fact it is so ill-tasting that they even give you a chaser.

About 25 minutes after I drank the Aohwaska, the cleaning ceremony began. I sat in front of the Shamen, who is wearing a number of necklaces that, when they move, add to the music that he is making with his wooden instrument. During the cleaning, the only music is his singing-chanting. One of the first things he does is put his mouth to the top of my head and suck the bad energy out- this is quite loud. Really loud. While chanting, he is constantly moving a cluster of slighly wet palm leaves over my head and around my body. Each Shamen has their own chant. Before I get up, he again touches his mouth to my head and blows in new, clean energy. Also very loud. I still was not feeling any affect from the Aohwaska, so his wife gave me an additional portion. Interestingly, it is always the wife´s role to dole out the portion of the tea, based on body size, not the Shamen.

I went back and laid down somemore with the other couple people I was with, who were both feeling it a lot more, and both vomited within about 45 minutes from when they drank it. I wasn´t feeling anything really, but I thought, hey, at least I am not getting sick! Well, I did get sick about 3 or 4 hours later. At which point the Shamen comes over and shakes the leaves a bit more. So clean. Apparently, this is pretty typical people for people who are really active (delayed vomiting and no visions). Though it usully works after 3 times or so. I can´t say that I am parciularly inspired to take it again, though both the people I was with said they would.

We ended up sleeping there--its always so pleasant to fall asleep in the open air with all the sounds of the outer jungle around you. We woke up to lemongrass tea and eggs in the morning before heading back to Tena.


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